In Métrica we define ourselves as a company that offers its clients an excellent service with unbeatable conditions of both quality and effectiveness, always taking into account sustainability and ESG, designing its strategies and establishing its objectives and processes considering both the economic dimension of their actions, such as social (workers, environment, society, etc.) and environmental.

We have a global plan that covers all the actions we carry out in terms of sustainability: THE METRICA CHANGE.

The objective of Métrica’s ESG policy is to contribute to the creation of value in a sustainable way for society, citizens, employees, clients, suppliers, shareholders and communities in which the company carries out its activities, remunerating equitably to all groups that contribute to the success of your business project and undertake new investments considering their social return, generating employment and wealth for society with a long-term vision that seeks a better future without compromising present results.

To achieve these objectives, Métrica Consulting adopts the following Principles of Action:

  • Support the training and professional development of all the company’s employees, generating a stimulating, entrepreneurial, participatory work environment in which people can grow professionally and develop all their capabilities.
  • Promote diversity and equal opportunities, facilitating the reconciliation of work life and personal life.
  • Promote the safety and health of all professionals who make up the company.
  • Guarantee the security of the information in terms of confidentiality and integrity as specified in the Code of Ethics and Legal Compliance.
  • Respect the current legislation and regulations that apply, as well as comply with the international commitments related to CSR signed by the company (Code of Ethics, United Nations Global Compact, the International Bill of Human Rights, the Declaration of the Organization Labor International, etc.).
  • Keep our commitment with the environment contributing to a better management of the natural resources and to the fight against climate change, furthering energetic efficiency in our premises, raising awareness among employees and suppliers, etc.
  • Maintain our environmental commitment by contributing to better management of environmental resources and the fight against climate change, promoting energy efficiency in our facilities, raising awareness among employees and suppliers, etc.
  •  Establish lasting relationships with all interested parties, based on mutual trust and value contribution for both parties.
  • Adopt measures for the continued fight against fraud and corruption.

At the same time, we have monitoring of our ESG activity and to this end we have reflected it in our sustainability report:

And we have carried out the sustainability certification in 2023, with ECOVADIS.

Currently we continue working on ESG matters, raising awareness among our stakeholders through informative documentation:

In terms of our transparency and business ethics, we have a code of ethical conduct, a crime prevention model, and an anti-corruption policy that strengthens the organization’s integrity and culture of compliance.